Cylinder Inner Plastic Lining

Plastic Coating Powders for Cylinder Inner Plastic Linings

Plastic coating protects the cylinder from corrosion and gives substantially better life to the cylinder. It also protects the cylinder and fire extinguishing agent from mutual reaction. This helps to providing longer and safer fire extinguishing time of usage.

Inner lining can be done by two processes -

  • Spray lining process:

The basic principle of the process is propulsion of electrostatically charged powder which travels through gap between spraying gun and earthed metal work piece with combined action of compressed air and electric-field carrying charged ion directing the charged powder onto the surface of metal workpiece.

The charged powder adheres to the surface of earthed metal work piece and then placed into oven where it melts. Then metal is subjected to cooling to leave a high quality coating.

The Particle size is chosen strictly in ranges between 150-200µm.

  • Roto-lining Process:

  • The object to be coated is heated at desired temperature along with spun and tumbled at constant speed. Powder is then injected into the cylinder through spray gun. The simultaneous spinning and tumbling gives consistent coating inside the object.

    The powder in excess exhales outside the object providing uniform coating inside the object upon cooling.

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